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Antoni Gaudi
Born in Reus, Catalonia in 1852.

Gaudi was the first in over four
generations to leave the family
tradition of metal working. As a
child, Antoni never excelled in
school. He suffered from arthritis,
which kept his attendance low,
and preferred to spend his time
observing plants and animals, as
well as studying forms in nature,
which would eventually be so
prominent in his designs.

Around 1870 Gaudi moved to Barcelona to
study architecture at the Provincial School
of Architecture. His grades were again less
than superior. He did earn special recognition
in the areas of Trial Drawings and Projects,
allowed him to put his outlandish ideas to use.
His professor proclaimed that what had been
produced was either the work of an insane
man or a genius. In 1878 Antoni Gaudi was
one of only four students to be granted the
title of Architect by the school’s director.

After graduating, numerous doors opened
for Gaudi among the bourgeoisie, artists, and
intellectuals of the time.

In his old age, Gaudi was a man that was
conformed to having little and dressed without
much care. On June 7, 1926, he was run over
by a tram, nobody recognized him. Antoni
Gaudi died 3 days later at the age of 74.

Sketch of Gaudi as an elderly man